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TERRADRIL is a leading manufacturer of powerful and top-level equipment for more than 25 years. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of quality and deep respect, and we strictly commit to these values ​​to offer the best experience and the best product.

High standards of manufacturing and inventiveness are the bases of the success of the company, which has Brazilianness in its origin and source of inspiration. We offer the best equipment for geotechnical investigation, mining exploration, infrastructure development and civil works, special terrain testing, environmental sampling, renewable energy installation and agronomic research.

Furthermore, our priority is to continually invest in technology and highly qualified professionals, which allows us to get ideas off the ground and build the most robust and efficient teams on the market; offering our clients the viability of developing and making magnificent, unique and special projects a reality.

The solid and structured foundations of our competitive, modern and innovative genesis have made us the successful company that we are, a reference in the national market; as well as, through clients and foreign companies, we obtain notable recognition and consolidation in our international trajectory.

With a solid and fast structure, our distribution network ensures the delivery of our equipment to any part of Latin America and United States, within the defined deadline.

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